Microneedling works in much the same way as acupuncture except we are targeting one major organ: the skin.
The goal is to stimulate the skin to rejuvenate by producing more collagen; in essence, reproducing the healing effect the body goes through when you have a cut.
This process results in a more youthful appearance as wrinkles, lines, scars, and discolorations are diminished.
Furthermore, enzymes called collagenase are stimulated. These enzymes break down the old and misaligned collagen present in wrinkles, scars and stretch marks, and replaces this old collagen with new collagen.
Microneedling and Cosmetic Acupuncture
The body is amazing. Its ability to self-heal is what keeps us alive. The skin’s ability to stop bleeding, produce collagen to repair and plump up the skin, and increase cell production is miraculous.
As we age, the natural processes of our bodies begin to break down and become imbalanced. Here, both microneedling and acupuncture use the same basic concept of tiny needle pricks to stimulate the body’s natural processes to heal and repair, so that they can remain in balance. Microneedling and acupuncture use stimulation and the power of self-healing in this process.
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Visit us at Acuhealth Integrative Medicine (Inside the Health For Life Wellness Center), 402 N. Babcock, Suite 101, Melbourne, FL 32935
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