How to Look 5 Years Younger Without Surgery or Toxic Injections

Microneedling treatment in Melbourne, FL.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a facial rejuvenation treatment that was safe and effective, didn’t involve surgery, injections or lasers and requires no downtime? Actually there is…

It’s called Microneedling!

Sometimes called collagen induction therapy, microneedling is a procedure that involves penetrating the skin with tiny needles as a way to rejuvenate your skin and improve its appearance and tone.

Microneedling achieves this by increasing the production of collagen and elastin and increasing the absorption of cosmetic products.

The beauty of microneedling is that unlike chemical peels, dermabrasion and lasers, it works without removing the top layer of your skin.

Microneedling works because the tiny skin pricks stimulate a healing reaction that actually makes your skin look better. As a part of the healing process, your body increases the circulation of elastin and fibroblasts, which are cells that make new collagen.

Collagen is a protein that acts as a tight netting to hold your organs and skin in place. As you age, the breakdown of collagen causes your skin to sag and wrinkle. And elastin, just like its name, allows your skin to stretch and bounce back. As you age, increasing collagen and elastin is a good thing!

Microneedling also creates tiny channels into the deeper layers of your skin. These channels enable healing and rejuvenating products to penetrate beneath the surface of your skin and get to where they actually work.

Scientists have spent decades developing skin care products that permeate the outer barrier of your skin, however, with microneedling beneficial serums are easily absorbed—sometimes by as much as 2,000 percent.

What Scientist Have Discovered

A great deal of research has been conducted on the ability of microneedling. Scientists have discovered that microneedling can significantly increase collagen after just a single treatment. It can also increase the thickness of your skin and be an effective treatment for post burn scarring. Microneedling can:

  • Promote facial rejuvenation
  • Reduce visible signs of aging
  • Improve skin tone, texture and firmness
  • Diminish fine lines
  • Improve the appearance of deep wrinkles
  • Reduce the appearance of age spots
  • Even out skin pigmentation issues
  • Reduce damage from sun exposure
  • Decrease pore size
  • Help treat acne and problem skin
  • Reduce the appearance of scars, including acne scarring
  • Treat stretch marks
  • Increase the absorption of beneficial products

Did You Know Microneedling Promotes Hair Growth?

While microneedling is most frequently used to treat your face, is can also treat your neck, hands and abdomen. In addition, microneedling can be effective on the scalp for hair loss. It works because the healing cascade triggered by microneedling causes the release of growth factors that help to promote hair growth.

Early studies on microneedling for hair growth are promising, as researchers are finding that in conjunction with other therapies, microneedling can help increase hair density, thickness and promote regrowth. Some experts also believe that the trauma reaction from microneedling may stimulate the growth of stem cells, which can help your body grow new hair.

Why Seek a Licensed Acupuncturist for Microneedling?

Melbourne, FL licensed acupuncturist and microneedling practitioner
Dr. Chisie Klinglesmith

In the past, microneedling was performed at day spas and skin care clinics. However, acupuncturists in Brevard County and across the country have discovered the benefits of offering their patients microneedling, and have become trained in this technique.

In fact, acupuncturists are a natural fit for microneedling because they are extensively trained and specialize in needling techniques to promote health.

A microneedling session begins with the application of a numbing agent, if necessary. (Some treatments that involve very shallow needle depth are very tolerable and may not need numbing)

After the 20 minutes it takes for the area to be completely numb, your practitioner will remove the numbing cream, remove any residual makeup and clean the treatment area completely.

Your practitioner will then begin microneedling your skin with a handheld device. Depending on the size and complexity of the area to be treated, the microneedling procedure takes anywhere from about 10 to 30 minutes.

Natural hydrophilic ingredients have the highest bio-availability in skin care.

After microneedling is complete, your practitioner will apply products to be absorbed deeply into your skin.

Among the choices are serums that contain hyaluronic acid, which is a substance found naturally in your body that retains water and plumps up your cells, products that stimulates the production of stem cells or other topicals that are best suited to your specific skin needs.

A major benefit of microneedling is that the down time after a treatment is minimal. When you walk out of a microneedling appointment, your skin may appear red and slightly swollen, similar to having a mild sunburn. However, the initial redness will subside within a few hours and depending on the depth of needling, it can take a day or two for your skin to completely heal.

You may experience some peeling or dryness a few days after your session. For the best results, microneedling for both facial rejuvenation and hair growth are recommended once every two weeks or so. The results from microneedling last for months, and with regular maintenance sessions, microneedling can keep your skin looking good for years to come.

Video Case Study of Amazing Progress of Microneedling Session

Not All Microneedling Devices are Created Equal

Dr. Chisie’s professional grade AcuMicro Plus+ microneedling device.

Microneedling treatments by a trained practitioner with a high quality device, differs greatly from a retail at-home microneedling pen with poor oscillation and speed.

The mechanism of action of a professional device like the AcuMicro Plus+ uses a vertical action at 18,000 RPM (revolutions per minute,) resulting in less drag over the skin, versus a rolling or vibrating action that can cause excess damage to the skin by over-treating.

The bottom line is that microneedling (also known as collagen induction therapy,) is safe, effective and involves little to no downtime when performed by a trained professional. It improves the appearance of your skin without injections, surgery or lasers.

Book a Free Consultation and Claim Your $100 Microneedling Gift Voucher Today

If you live in Melbourne, FL or the surrounding Brevard County areas, and you like to look your best, click the voucher below to take advantage of this limited-time offer and discover what microneedling can do for you.