We have all struggled in life with ourselves. We sometimes do not know where life is taking us, if we are making the right decisions, or what we want to achieve. Maybe we believe that the relationships we have with people are deteriorating, but we don’t understand why. Or maybe you don’t know what to do in order to achieve your dreams.

It is okay. We have all been there. Lifestyle Coaching in Melbourne FL has been established to address exactly these struggles!

What is Life Coaching?


Think about a sports coach. What do they do? They observe an athlete and apply their knowledge, experience and abilities to guide the player into improvement. This is almost exactly what our life coach in Melbourne, FL does - except not in the context of sports.

Our physician will apply her knowledge, skills, and abilities to help you achieve success in your personal goals and dreams. This close, professional relationship with our accredited coach will provide you with someone to support your way towards life fulfilment and finding your meaning of life. 

Our life coach’s role includes adding insights, objective perspective and enthusiastic support to your personal development journey. This is a trained person that will guide you towards your goals. However, our life coach will not give you answers. She will simply push your thoughts and conclusions into the right direction, helping you find the right answer on your own.

Dr. Chisie will work with you to enhance your self-reflection and give you a clear view of your strengths, weaknesses, goals and needs.


Melbourne FL lifestyle coach


Common themes of Life Coaching

Life coaching in Melbourne, FL will help you achieve success in different aspects of life. These include, but are not limited to, improving your:

  • Self-worth
  • Self-confidence
  • Time Management
  • Relationships
  • Value Conflicts
  • Professional Life
  • Work-life Balance
  • Decision-making
  • Stress Management

What makes a good Life Coach?

 Anyone who wishes to become a life coach can get certified to do so. But how do you distinguish the best ones, from the not so good ones? Our life coach in Melbourne, FL will explain to you the 4 properties that make a life coach outstanding.

  1. Accountability
    The life coach will not only help you during the appointments. A great life coach will contact you between sessions to get an update about your progress and help you along the way. Also, a regular call will encourage the client to take more action!
  2. Expertise
    An expert life coach will guide you in a productive and efficient way. This way you will be able to reap great results with minimal effort.
  3. Delivery
    The work of a life coach is not to nag you, but to uplift you and make you naturally motivated. A professional life coach will make you feel encouraged and inspired to take action, not forced to do so.
  4. Speed
    In most cases people contact a life coach because they have been trying to make positive changes to their life without any, or little result. With the help of a good life coach, this will change! She will guide you in a way that will give you the results you have been longing for.

The healing properties of a healthy lifestyle


Healthy living is an important part of our life coaching in Melbourne, FL. This is because we know that a healthy lifestyle helps maintain and improve one's health and well-being. Healthy living is a lifelong process with a lifelong effect. 

The path to being healthy includes healthy eating and healing with whole foods, physical activities, weight management, and stress management. Good health allows people to do great things.

Healing with Whole Foods


Healing with whole foods requires information. The rise in nutritional awareness is occurring at a rapid pace. Individuals are recognizing that a balanced diet is integral to health. The United States Department of Agriculture released data stating that 117 million U.S. adults have at least one chronic disease, with billions of medical costs being spent on diet-related chronic diseases.

Overall health guides us towards which foods belong in a wholesome diet. Healing with food is systematic. Different foods act according to various therapeutic properties. Food properties are less specific. Sometimes they are slower to take effect, but produce more profound overall results in the body.

Using your diet correctly for the prevention and treatment of health conditions results in a reduced need for medication. Having the knowledge of how food interacts with your body allows you to make the right choices for your body, constitution and condition. But do not worry, our life coach in Melbourne, FL will support you along this journey! 


Melbourne FL lifestyle coach


Physical Activities

Being physically active brings many health benefits, which don’t only come from a strict exercise regimen. So why do only 1 in 3 adults receive the recommended amount of weekly physical activity? Modest physical activity benefits both our physical and mental wellbeing. The many benefits include substantially reducing the risks of:

  • Hypertension
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Anxiety 
  • Heart Disease
  • Obesity
  • High Blood Pressure

Combining regular physical activity with a healthy diet gives you even more - healthy weight management! This alone can make people feel better about themselves.

More about our Life Coach in Melbourne, FL!


At AcuHealth we want to give you a pain-free life without a life-long prescription to potentially harmful medication. We believe that good healthcare focuses on reversing all aspects of the damage - physical, mental, and spiritual.

You can be sure that Lifestyle Coaching in Melbourne, FL is the treatment you can rely on, as our physician will give you the effective education and treatment required for sustaining long-term well-being. To learn more about our practice, take a look at our website

Ready to take your first step towards a healthier lifestyle and pain-free life? Contact us today!

  • Visit us at: Acuhealth Integrative Medicine (Inside the Health For Life Wellness Center), 402 N. Babcock, Suite 101, Melbourne, FL 32935
  • Call us today: 321-422-2240
  • Or, send us an email: info@acuhealthmedicine.com 


Office hours:
Monday 9am - 1pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 1pm - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm 


lifestyle coaching Melbourne FL


The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE, and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health.


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