Acupuncture Point Injection, also known as Acupoint Injection Therapy (AIT), is an adjunctive therapies shall include acupoint injection therapy which shall mean the injection of herbs, homeopathics, and other nutritional supplements in the form of sterile substances into acupuncture points by means of hypodermic needles but not intravenous therapy to promote, maintain, and restore health; for pain management and palliative care; for acupuncture anesthesia; and to prevent disease.

It is an integrative therapy that blends the best of Chinese Medicine with conventional and homeopathic medicine.  Employing this technique, Certified Acupuncture Injection Therapist inject natural therapeutic substances, such as homeopathic remedies, like Arnica, Traumeel, Zeel or vitamins like B-12, Vitamin D etc. into acupuncture points specific to each patients needs.

By stimulating powerful acupuncture points with proven natural substances, we can affect the body on a deeper level and create healing. 

Acupuncture Injection Therapy is particularly effective for the resolution of acute and chronic pain in the body, particularly in the shoulder, back, knee, and neck.