acupuncture melbourne fl

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Acupuncture is a medical procedure that keeps growing in popularity year by year. First practiced in China during the stone age, it has traveled all over the world to finally reach the West in the 17th Century. To finally be acknowledged as an effective treatment for a wide range of conditions in 1997 by the National Institutes of Health.

And it hasn’t stopped there! Studies show that in the US alone 3.1 million adults and 150,000 children used acupuncture in 2007 – a 1 million rise since 2002!

So, there must be something miraculous about it to justify such a boom in popularity. Our specialist at Acupuncture in Melbourne, FL knows that there is more than just one unbelievable thing about it. Today we are going to break down the 3 most important benefits of acupuncture.

  1. Painless

Acupuncture in Melbourne, FL is a natural therapy, which requires the physician to shallowly insert incredibly thin, but durable and flexible needles into specific areas of your body called acupoints. 

The treatment is able to produce very little pain mainly due to two factors. First, a board-certified specialist will know exactly where the needles must be inserted in order to treat your condition and cause minimal discomfort. Secondly, the needles are extremely fine and inserted just deep enough to let you reap the benefits without causing you to feel pain. 

However, please keep in mind that as the needles are being inserted you might feel slight discomfort in the form of numbness, or mild tingling. This is completely normal and should pass as your body gets used to the sensation.

2. Safe

Traditional Chinese Medicine, including Acupuncture, has been practiced for thousands of years and it is practiced today. The National Institute of Health states that even though serious complications are incredibly rare, they usually occur from the use of non-sterile needles and improper delivery. Therefore, the FDA regulates the equipment and practices and has announced that it is a safe alternative medicine therapy. 

We can guarantee that you will receive the highest quality and safe treatment at our acupuncture clinic in Melbourne because our acupuncturist is a board-certified specialist with many years of successful practice and hundreds of satisfied clients. And of course, everything done by our physician Chisie is done carefully, with utmost attention to detail and precision.

3. Now covered by many insurance policies

Since acupuncture is a widely promoted alternative treatment option, with FDA and NIH recognition, many insurance providers have included it in their coverage. This treatment option has allowed many people to start enjoying life as they used to without having to turn to surgery. Traditional Chinese Medicine is all about prevention and wellbeing promotion – that is exactly what acupuncture offers. And insurance providers know that! 

Therefore, if you are considering acupuncture to treat your ailments, contact your insurance provider to find out what they can do for you! 

More about AcuHealth’s Acupuncture Clinic in Melbourne!

At AcuHealth we want to give you a pain-free life without a life-long prescription to potentially harmful medication. We believe that good healthcare focuses on reversing all aspects of the damage – physical, mental, and spiritual. You can be sure that acupuncture at AcuHealth is the therapy you can rely on as our physician will give you effective education and treatment required for sustaining long-term well-being.

Ready to take your first step towards a healthier lifestyle and pain-free life? Contact us today!

  • Visit us at Acuhealth Integrative Medicine (Inside the Health For Life Wellness Center), 402 N. Babcock, Suite 101, Melbourne, FL 32935
  • Call us today: 321-422-2240
  • Or, send us an email: 

Office hours:
Monday 9am – 1pm
Tuesday 9am – 5pm
Thursday 1pm – 5pm
Friday 9am – 5pm 

The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE, and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health.